“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. As you read 176 verses, you quickly come to the conclusion that “thy word” is the center piece of the entire chapter. As we look at vs 105, we see a great illustration from the field! How do you get to your tree stand during the early hours of the morning or maybe even running a coon dog late at night? Does your light help you in any way? There are some, I’ve heard, that don’t use a light, but the only thing I’ve experienced in that scenario is a bunch of broken limbs and unwanted noise. A light is a necessity! Let’s say you don’t use a light to get to your stand, but surely you use it to track a deer after sunset. Your light will illuminate the blood trail so you can find your way to the kill! Every night the sun sets, we see a great picture of this lost and dying world. The darkness consists of murder, hatred, lying, stealing, forsaking God, pride and many other things. What is the Word of God in your life? Do you allow it to be the light of your life! Its sad to see many believers deal with so many difficulties in their life, but never come out of the dark trial. Its because the Word is not the lamp to their feet and the light to their path. Its easy to look for answers in every place, but the right one. Did you read your Bible today? Did you read it yesterday? You may be looking for direction, or answers from God at this very point in your life, but the truth is; if your not faithful in church and your not making the Bible the centerpiece of your life, your probably not going to make very sound decisions and your difficulties will only become more difficult. You are going to have difficulty finding your stand in the early hours of the morning or you may never find your trophy after sunset if you don’t pull out your light and let it shine! God died for all of us to give us victory in this life; He gave us His Word to be a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path! Are you allowing the Word of God to be the guidance of your life in this dark world? If you say no, its ok! You can start today!
Memory Verse Week 2/24/19
Psalm 119:105
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”