“5. Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. 6. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”
Imagine being at hunting camp! What a great place, right! You’re part of a big lease. The weekend before season opens, the president of the hunt club comes by and gives you a copy of the hunting law book. There is one problem with this copy! He didn’t care for the way the state wrote the law, so he revised it to fit what he thought was right. The state your hunting in allows you to kill one buck, but the president doesn’t care for this. He decides to erase the word that says one and then replaces it with the word two. He does such a good job changing it the reader doesn’t even notice! So answer this question; when you run into the game warden which law will stand? One buck per year or two? Sounds like trouble doesn’t it! That is exactly what is happening to the precious Word of God in our changing society. There is no apology that Sixth Day Outdoor Ministry holds tightly to the Authorized Version(King James). Its not to be mean or hateful in any way, but to be obedient to God’s perfect Word. Notice how Proverbs says “Every word of God is pure”. The word pure means incorrupt; without moral defilement; without spot. There is much study to be done to understand the whole process of Bible translation. The Masoretic Text is made up of the 39 books of the Old Testament. It was written in Hebrew and Chaldean. The Textus Receptus is made up of the 27 books of the New Testament. It was written in Greek. God supernaturally spoke through sinful man to pen down what was already in existence(II Peter 1:19-21). His Word! Psalm 119:89 “For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.” The translation process of the Authorized Version was formal equivalency which means it was word for word from the original inspiration from God(Hebrew, Chaldean, and Greek). Inspiration means God breathed. Fifty-four translators completed this work in 1611. Our King James Bible is what’s known as the Authorized Version 1611 because King James was the one who authorized the translation. However, we do not use a 1611 edition, but we do use the 1769 edition. This is because word spelling changed through this era. Words and meanings never changed, but spelling did change, causing a newer updated edition to come about. II Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that man can strive for absolute perfection because “Every word of God is pure”. Psalm 12:6-7 tells us that God will preserve His word from generation to generation. God fulfilled this promise to the English speaking people when the Authorized Version or King James Version was completed. Back to the illustration; We are living in a day where man is trying to change the pure Word of God to fit the way they want it, but notice again how the Bible says in Proverbs “Add thou not unto his words…” This comparison is hardly scratching the surface, but its something everyone needs to pay close attention to: Genesis 22:8 is the place where Abraham was to offer up his only son Isaac for a burnt sacrifice. When we take the King James Bible as God’s perfect and preserved Word we have to believe that every word and every punctuation is without error. Look at this great prophecy from Genesis 22:8 “And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering…” Not one word is out of place. This passage is one proof that Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ was going to be the sacrifice for man’s sin. Some religion today tries to say that Jesus Christ was not God, but this perfect translation proves to us, along with many other scriptures, that Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ died to save all man from their sin. He was the sacrifice offered for man’s sin. Lets make a comparison now with other translations that most people say are easier to read than the KJV. The NKJV and the NASB read this, “God will provide for Himself the lamb…” Can you answer this question? Is God a sinner? Of course not, but yet these translations say he needed the sacrifice “for himself”. No, that is incorrect. God was going to be the sacrifice. It was prophecy that was taken away because some translators used a corrupted text to translate. Man has always needed the sacrifice, God has never needed the sacrifice. This is just one small example. There are many corruptions in new modern versions. The King James is the only translation that is 100% accurate. Again look at Proverbs “Every word of God is pure” That means it has no corruption, no fault! Its very important what Bible you use. Do you know why you use your translation? Have you ever studied it? We need to realize that Jesus Christ is God. He is our only way to heaven! There is coming a day that every lost sinner will stand before God and there will be no excuse! Hey, you killed two bucks! The game warden don’t care. You were using the wrong book! I Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly diving the word of truth.” The Word of God is a serious matter!
Memory Verse Week 3/9/20
Proverbs 30:5-6
“Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”