” 7. God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him. 8. O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee? 9. Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.”
I’ve never had much success deer hunting in the pooring down rain. One season, years ago, I was taking my wife out for dinner! It was near the end of October as we drove toward the restaurant for a pleasant evening. The previous two days I was unable to hunt because the storms and rain were very heavy and not very probable for being in the stand. As we left the house, the storm had already stopped. We didn’t make it far and my blood began to boil as I saw the sun coming out with very cool temperatures. I couldn’t help but think, “I need to be in the stand.” I was beginning to tell my wife this is a prime night for killing a big buck because the deer have been sitting tight for the last two days. I no more than said that and my phone begins to ring. If I was a better husband I wouldn’t have answered the phone, but it was the end of October. My friend Chris is calling me at an unusual time. I’m thinking, “He needs to be in the stand, its prime time.” He’s kind of happy, but also kind of sad. He just arrowed one of his hit list bucks! It wasn’t the greatest shot so he decided to head back to the house and give the deer over night before trailing. By God’s grace he found the deer the next morning without any trouble! What a dandy! I did have a great date night with the wife too! Looking back to the Psalm there is some great application we can apply to our spiritual walk! First off, Satan hates me and he hates you. He loves storms, he loves the pooring down rain, he loves it when the waves nearly beat us to death, but notice how the Bible says “…who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee?” When storms arise in our lives its easy to lose focus! Its easy to feel like God is not there! God gave Joseph a great promise. He said one day he would rule over his brothers that hated him so much. Before Joseph saw the promise, he faced some storms that were way worse than anything we’ve ever faced. He was sold into slavery, then to prison for two years. Look at what Psalm 105:19-21 says, “Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free. He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance:” Lamentations 3:22-23 “It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Maybe your in a place today that feels like the pooring down rain. You want to go hunting, but you cant. Your ministry is at a standstill and nothing is working. Your job is miserable and you just want to move on. Maybe your relationship with a spouse is not good at the moment, but wait! Psalm 89:9 “Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.” Did that sink in? “…thou—-stillest——them!”. Satan cant win! Amen! Storms don’t last forever! God still moves mountains! Marriages are being repaired! Jobs become much better! Your ministry will grow! Big Bucks are still getting killed every year! When the storm is calmed, God will move and show you His glory like you’ve never seen before! You will begin to experience great success! Stay faithful! Psalm 89:9 “Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.”
Memory Verse Week 9/14/20
Psalm 89:9
“Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.”