“And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.”
The last of the four seeds we find falling on good ground. It takes good ground to take good root and to bear fruit. This is the place every believer should be. Jesus gives us the answer to this final seed in the parable of the sower. Luke 8:15 “But that on good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.” This seed that hears the word is the one who keeps it. We know this is a saved person. Let me ask this question, have you been bearing fruit? If we dont bear fruit, we are not being used of the Lord. In our main verse the Bible says “…and bare fruit an hundredfold.” That means more seed is being planted and more fruit is being harvested. Are you a soul winner? What kind of believer doesn’t tell others about Christ? Seems like a pointless life! Live for yourself after salvation and take nothing with you when you die. God wants us all to bear fruit. Its not that hard to win others to Christ. It can first start with a personal testimony. What is your testimony today? Have you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. If you dont have your own testimony you will have trouble helping others find Jesus Christ. If your soulwinning, that is a wonderful thing! Give attention to verse 15, “…and bring forth fruit with patience.” This last seed usually has a great zeal for the Lord. Remember that it takes work before the harvest comes. When a seed is planted it takes a season to grow, which involves many months. There are a lot of young and even older Christians that struggle with this patience thing. Maybe God has called you to the mission field or even just a ministry in your local church. It takes time for things to develop and happen. Its not an overnight thing. Don’t ever get impatient with God. The Bible says that He is a God of patience! Try to do your best day by day in spreading the seed of the gospel, but remember that it’s God that gives the increase. Hunting wild animals can be really tough somedays. There are times when nothing is moving and nothing is happening, but then one day the woods come to life and there are wild animals waiting to be shot in every direction you look. It takes patience to be a good hunter, just like it takes patience in being a successful Christian. Maybe today God has promised you some big things for your ministry and service for Him. Take it one day at a time! Let God develop you into a strong man or woman of God. You may not see someone saved every day, but keep pressing forward. You may not have the finances you hoped for, but don’t worry, God is faithful and will take care of you. You may look at some people that have been very successful in serving the Lord, but remember, it didn’t happen for them over night. Stay patient with God, continue soul winning and serving Him, then one day you will see this parable of the sower in your life, “…and bare fruit an hundredfold.”
Memory Verse Week 1/17/21
Luke 8:15
“But that on good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.”