“9. For upon the first day of the first month began he to go up from Babylon, and on the first day of the fifth month came he to Jerusalem, according to the good hand of his God upon him. 10. For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgements.”
Artaxerxes the king has granted leave for Ezra and some others to return to Jerusalem for the rebuilding of the Temple. Verse 9 tells us of the arrival back to Jerusalem, but verse 10 is our thought today. Ezra has his prayers answered! God has given him a desire to return to Jerusalem and help restore the land after the Babylonian captivity. Notice what brought Ezra and his people to Jerusalem, “For Ezra had prepared his heart…” Preparation is so important! What makes you a successful hunter? When you begin to prepare for that day of success, first, there is much time and preparation that needs to take place. To the archer, its having a bow and making sure its tuned. To the rifle hunter, its making a trip to the store for ammo, but then also putting it on paper to make sure its ready to go. To the turkey hunter, its making sure you have the best load possible and knowing your affective range for killing a bird. To a fisherman, its having the right lures, gas in the boat, and a good running engine. It doesn’t just stop there. To a tournament fisherman, you may need to spend some earlier days finding where your fish will be. The hunter needs to hang a stand or even find property to hunt, not to mention the right clothing for the environment you will be hunting. So much preparation to be successful!!! How is your walk with the LORD today? How well do you know Him? Have you had any recent blessings that would make you stand back and say, “only God could have done that”? Ezra had a desire to see the hand of God in his life, but that couldn’t have been done without preparation. Ezra wanted to be a guide and help to other believers, but he couldn’t do that until he spent his own time in the Word of God, but then also applying it in his life. If your not an experienced hunter or fisherman, your not going to be much help to someone that is starting out. It takes time, preparation, and experience to become sufficient. Notice again in verse 10, “For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD…” When you woke up this morning did you have to make a decision of whether or not you would read your Bible or did you already make the decision that you would read it regardless. When you begin preparing your heart to seek the LORD there are some things in your life you will put to the side so you have a quality time with God. Do you pray and read your Bible everyday? Ezra’s preparation was to make the Word of God the focus of his life. This is where it must start, but wait, there is more! The verse continues, “…and to do it…” There are a lot of believers today that know a lot about the Bible, but applying it in their daily life is another story. God wants us to live in the Word, but He also wants us to live by His commandments. Is there anything in your life right now that you are refusing to put out of your life? Its not worth it! God wants all of your attention, but sin will always hinder what God can do through you! God used Ezra in a mighty way! What can God do through you? Are you preparing your heart to seek the Word of God? Are you doing what God commands you to do?
Memory Verse Week 3/21/21
Ezra 7:10
“For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgements.”