“Shew me a token for good: that they which hate me may see it, and be ashamed: because thou, LORD, hast holpen me, and comforted me.”
Psalm 86 starts out with a title, “A prayer of David”. Though we don’t know exactly where this was at in David’s life, we know that David is crying out to God for help and protection from the enemy. Whether your facing an enemy today or just trying to have a close walk with God, these first 6 words are very powerful! A thought to keep in mind: looking for signs is not how the Christian walk works, but the very Word of God is where we find our guidance and direction in life. However, there are many times God shows us things to prove His Word to us! “Shew me a token for good…” The word token means a sign; something intended to represent or indicate another thing or an event according to Webster 1828. David is in distress because of his enemies, in this verse of scripture he is seeking God for some evidence to his prayers.
May 22, 2021 was a very special day! As the alarm clock went off I rolled out of bed with very little sleep, but with some hope and prayers that a big o’l gobbler would take a dirt nap before the Ohio season ended in the northern zone. I didn’t make it out the door by 4 am like I planned, but 4:15 still gave me plenty of time for an hour drive and time to slip in the woods before the turkeys flew down for the morning.
The delay was well worth it! I spent some time in prayer and a little time reading Psalm 86. I didn’t read as much as I wanted to, but quality is always better than quantity regardless of what anyone might say. “Shew me a token for good…” ended the Psalm and the Holy Spirit began to press these words on my heart for the rest of my morning.
God has recently directed me away from some barriers that have been in my life for some time now. I am reminded of Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Over the last many years I have really enjoyed the aspect of filming the hunts when in the woods. I am very thankful for the success’ and messages God has used during these years. I have had great fellowship with friends and captured many neat clips of wild animals. However, it has been an extreme barrier in my life. Its hard to admit, but for a long time, I have settled it in my heart that the only way for Sixth Day Outdoor Ministry to become the “exceeding abundantly above(Ephesians 3:20)” that God promised, was for me to produce hunting films so sportsmen could observe how good and successful of a hunter I really am.” Sounds prideful! I know! I struggle with that every day of my life! I’ve come to the place in my life of realizing that there is nothing we have to accomplish, for God to love us and use us for His glory. He loves us and will use us right where we are! For me, the filming has become a performance driven act that has done nothing, but pulled me apart on the inside! Though able to produce some films over the last many years, its never been to my standards, its never been enough quantity, and the bucks have never been big enough! I’ve spent too many days in discouragement for not finding the success I’ve been desiring, but its also taken away the enjoyment of what hunting has been to me for many years of my life. It’s even effected quality time with my family in the woods because all I have been focused on is whether or not its on film. God is not interested in what we can do, but what He can do through us! I have to thank the Lord today for answering a big prayer in my life. I have been praying for many years now to have humility and not pride! Thinking that the camera is what will bring success to a ministry is a very foolish thought! I feel like God has given me a great peace in not using the video camera to film hunts any longer. Will God change that in the future? That’s up to Him! I know God has directed me to this decision at this point in time. There are many other things that the camera can still be used for with the ministry, and I will try my best to follow God in the direction He is giving me.
This past weekend is the first time in a long time that I have not used the camera while hunting. As I started my morning with Psalm 86, “Shew me a token for good…” sunk deep into my heart! The gobbling that morning was very impressive! There was about three different birds from what I could tell. With the foliage filling out I was able to get right under what sounded like a good bird. In a short time I could tell he was out of the tree and just in front of me, but out of eyesight. I called twice, and not just him, but also his buddies gave out an answer. He knew where I was so I didn’t call again. Shortly after, I see a hen pitch out of the tree and glide into the field off to my left. There was a short break with no gobbling, but that’s just turkey hunting. Two birds began to gobble again and they all made it around me without seeing them. I knew they were in the field, but I had to make a move if it was going to happen. The creek allowed me to close the distance without being detected. As I came out of the creek bank I could see a hen in shooting range. I could just make out a gobbler a little further in the field, but his buddy rang out much closer, I just couldn’t see him. I made a mistake! I was so anxious to kill this turkey I didn’t wait like I should have. I could see the gobbler farther out in the field and squeezed off, not just one, but two shots! I think he was out of range, I know better, but I guess that’s just hunting! Was the morning over? The Holy Spirit again reminds me, “Shew me a token for good…”
As some time passed, I moved to a high point of the property to see if I could pinpoint where all the birds went to. I did see a lone hen, that wasn’t with the first group, on the far side of the property well over 500 yards away. I was already thinking that would be a good place to set some decoys and just watch for a while. I made the move, set up two hen decoys, and continued to enjoy the morning. I called as if two hens were upset with each other, to my surprise, a jake came from my left to dance around these two pretty ladies. I talked to the Lord, “I would really like to kill a long beard, but if you want me to kill this jake I will have fun doing it.” He’s 25 yards and there is not a long beard in sight to run him off. He begins strutting to show these ladies just how good looking he is. I shouldered my gun, squeezed the trigger, and watched him run to my left into the tree line I was in. Talk about feeling stupid. I could have shot him two more times, but the gun wouldn’t eject the 3 1/2″ load out of my gun. The two live rounds ejected on the ground and I sat there thinking to myself, “I am an idiot.” Was it time to go home? Most people should stop at this point, but the Holy Spirit reminded me again, “Shew me a token for good…”
As I sat there in frustration I glanced across the field and saw one of the long beards from my earlier adventure about 400 yards away. He wasn’t about to cross the field, but he kept his attention on the decoys for a while! He took his time skirting the edge of the fencerow before making it back to the wooded area on the property I was hunting. After a little time passed without seeing him, I figured I should move into the woods to see if I could get above him without him seeing me. With the foliage really filling out I thought it was doable. I pulled the decoys and off I went! There is a nice hill in the hardwoods that overlooks two creeks coming together, I made it in quietly and sat down with the decoys still in the bag. I sent my wife a text about the excitement happening that morning. I wanted to wait a few minutes before calling, but in no time at all I caught movement out in front of me as I hit send on the second text message. It didn’t take but a second to realize that he was in shooting distance already. I shouldered my gun and waited for him to step out from behind a tree. Boom! He hardly moved after that! What a morning! This was the first bird I had taken without a camera in many years. It was also the first bird I had taken in the last 4 years. God is faithful! The devil will try to put many things in our way to hinder our walk with the Lord. He doesn’t want us to trust in God. He wants us to trust in ourselves! For a long time God has been bringing me to this place of humility. Its not always what we want, but its always what we need. His Word proved to be faithful by leaving the camera at home! “Shew me a token for good…”
Memory Verse Week 5/23/21
Psalm 86:17
“Shew me a token for good; that they which hate me may see it, and be ashamed: because thou, LORD, hast holpen me, and comforted me.”