“5. A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: 6. To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings. 7. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
I had the opportunity to visit the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina many times for family vacations while growing up. During my later teenage years, I was able to start trout fishing the beautiful streams that flowed from the mountains. Though no one cared for fishing in that part of the family, I had the opportunity to go with some friends which were from a different part of the country. A couple years in a row we would hit the streams but only return with a couple of fish between the 3 or 4 of us. It was great listening to the streams flow and being in the midst of the mountains, but deep down it burned in my heart that there had to be a better way to catch these cold-water trout.
The campground we stayed at year after year was managed by an avid fisherman. I observed some of my friends return with this local guy a handful of times with a cooler full of fish! How is he doing this? After a few passing years I finally had the opportunity to go along with the manager from the campground. We dropped some of our party off at one location but then headed down stream to fish a different part of the river. It was me, the campground manager, and a friend from the other part of the country. I observed for a little while and watched him catch a couple as we started wading down the river. I was trying to stay with my friend that was moving a little slower, but decided I better catch up with pro to see if he could teach me something. I finally asked him, how are you catching these fish? We were using ultra-light fishing rods with a small hook and some split shot sinkers. I had been using a red worm, but he said that night crawlers work the best. He said, “Tear a night crawler in half and thread it up on your string until there is a little tale hanging just below the hook.” He also made this statement along the conversation about the other guys that were with us: “They don’t listen.” As we continued downstream, he spoke of overfishing a hole. Once you run your bait through it a few times, move on. The one friend fell so far behind us because he had a bite in one particular spot then focused his attention on that area for most of the morning. He showed me the angle to cast the line and how to keep the line in your other hand as the worm floated through the current. When you feel them hit your line, set the hook! As we finished our strip of river, I was able to catch two trout. It made my day! I’m starting to get it figured out. The local fisherman had to go to work, so he took the two of us back upriver to meet up with the rest of our crew.
As we arrived at their location, they didn’t have much of a report from the 2 hours they had been there. There was a good rapid out in the middle of the river and it looked like it was bound to have fish. As I waded out to the hole, the great teacher said, “Show them how to do it!” I was amazed! As they all stood on the bank, I made my first cast, Smack! Fish number one! Second cast, Smack! Fish number two! It didn’t take long, and I was at fish number six! It was a great feeling taking home eight trout that day, but it would never have happened if I wasn’t willing to listen and learn!
In our context, we have two different people: a wise man and a foolish one. When it comes to spiritual things, what category would you fall in? Do you have a teachable spirit? Today, we have countless believers that sit in church Sunday after Sunday, but yet no growth. They have all the truth and counsel they need right at their fingertips, but yet they never open their Bibles other than on Sunday. Many Christians today are too afraid to soul win. They say things like, “I can’t do that” or “I’m too afraid”, “I’m not bold”, etc, etc. The problem is not that they can’t learn, the problem is, they can’t listen. “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning…” There are plenty of people that know how to win souls to Jesus Christ, if believers would go with those who know how to follow the Lord, they too can become effective soulwinners. The Bible says, “…a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:” The first counsel in our life should be the precious Word of God, it will guide us in all matters of life, but then also men and women of God who are wise in the scriptures. Who is your counsel? The pride in our movement today says, “I can do it on my own.” Wait, “…but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
Do you want to be successful? Do you want the joy of the Lord to be your strength? Do you have a teachable spirit? Then move on to the next hole, change your bait to the right worm, and please, put away the bobber and wade out into the current! “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:”
Memory Verse
Proverbs 1:5
“A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:”